MQTTX Copilot (Beta)

MQTTX Copilot is an AI assistant designed to assist with MQTT-related queries, provide solutions for common issues, and offer insights into best practices.

It plays a crucial role in testing MQTT connections, publishing, subscribing to topics, debugging, and developing MQTT applications and brokers, simplifying these processes and enhancing the overall MQTT experience.

Note: MQTTX Copilot is currently in beta and has been available since version 1.9.7. The accuracy and quality of its responses depend on the capabilities of the LLM used.


MQTTX Copilot can be powered by various generative AI LLMs. Here, we take OpenAI as an example. An OpenAI API Key is required for operation. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Obtaining the OpenAI API Key:
    OpenAI API Key
  2. Configuring the API Key in MQTTX:
    • Open MQTTX and go to the settings page.
    • Scroll to the bottom and enter your OpenAI API Key in the designated field.
  3. Selecting the GPT Model:
    • Choose a GPT model version (e.g., GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) based on your needs (the default is gpt-3.5-turbo). If you're unsure which models are available, MQTTX provides a built-in list of supported models in the selection box, allowing you to select manually by focusing on the input box.
    • Ensure the selected model is compatible with your OpenAI API Key.

    OpenAI GPT Model
  4. Configuring the API Host Endpoint:
    • Enter or select the OpenAI API Host API endpoint:

OpenAI API Settings

Once configured, you're ready to use MQTTX Copilot.

Custom Configuration

In theory, MQTTX Copilot can support any API method similar to OpenAI. If you have other API keys, you can try configuring and using them in MQTTX.

While MQTTX provides built-in shortcuts for OpenAI and Moonshot, users can also input custom content and save it to complete the custom configuration. Just ensure you enter the correct API key, Host API, and corresponding supported models.


MQTTX Copilot seamlessly integrates into MQTTX Desktop, requiring no additional downloads or installations. To access Copilot, click the message icon located in the top right corner of the MQTTX Desktop interface. This feature is currently only accessible from the connection page.

MQTTX Copilot

To start a new conversation or clear the existing dialogue history in Copilot, click the delete button next to the close option in the dialogue box. This action resets the conversation, allowing you to begin afresh.

MQTTX Copilot

Preset Prompts

Error Analysis with One Click:

When encountering errors during connection or subscription, click the "Ask Copilot" button in the error prompt. MQTTX Copilot assists in analyzing potential causes, enabling systematic troubleshooting to resolve the issue.

MQTTX Copilot

MQTTX Copilot

Code Generation:

MQTTX Copilot provides a one-click solution for generating MQTT client code to streamline the setup process for various programming languages.

The available options include JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, C, C++, C#, PHP, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, Dart, and Erlang. Although these are the preset languages, MQTTX Copilot is not limited to them and supports other programming languages. This makes it easier to integrate and develop within MQTT applications.

MQTTX Copilot

Automated Test Data Generation:

Quickly generate test payloads for analyzing and optimizing MQTT data implementations. This functionality aids in efficiently setting up and evaluating various MQTT scenarios.

MQTTX Copilot

MQTT FAQs, EMQX Tutorials, and Log Analysis:

Get tips, step-by-step guidance on MQTT FAQs, and comprehensive EMQX installation and usage tutorials. These resources are designed to improve user knowledge and skills in both MQTT and EMQX. Additionally, users can now analyze EMQX logs with a single click, simplifying the log review process.

MQTTX Copilot


  • In-depth Connection Analysis: Quickly analyze and interpret connection information with a single click, providing deep insights into MQTT connections for more efficient management and usage.
  • Automatic Test Documentation Generation: Copilot automatically generates test documentation for the current MQTT connection, enhancing understanding and offering comprehensive documentation support for MQTT testing scenarios.

MQTTX Copilot

Custom Prompts

MQTTX Copilot offers the ability to create custom prompts, adding a layer of personalization to your experience. This feature lets you craft queries or commands according to your unique requirements. For example, you might type "How do I clear a retained message in MQTT?" to get a tailored response based on your needs.

MQTTX Copilot

Quick Access with Keywords

MQTTX Copilot enhances interaction by supporting keywords for quick information retrieval. Use a keyword like @connection in your prompt for immediate access to specific data. For instance, typing "what's the host in @connection" quickly fetches the host information from your current connection.

MQTTX Copilot

Code Quick Actions

  • Copy MQTT Client Code: Enhance your productivity with this feature that allows for quick generation and application of MQTT client code.
  • Insert MQTT Test Data: Easily insert pre-generated MQTT test data into the payload editor, streamlining testing process.

MQTTX Copilot

Upcoming Features

  • Expanded Keywords: Adding @payload, @topics, etc., for quick data insights and management.


Is it Free to Use?

While MQTTX Copilot itself is free to use, it depends on a paid API Key from OpenAI or other supported AI services. MQTTX remains completely open-source.

How to Provide Feedback?

For bug reports or feature suggestions, please submit your Feedback on GitHub Issues.

What is the Default Context Limit?

MQTTX Copilot has a default context limit of 20. Exceeding this limit may require starting a new conversation for accurate responses.

How to Start a New Conversation?

To start a new conversation in MQTTX Copilot, click the delete button at the top. This action clears all previous conversations, allowing you to initiate a fresh dialogue.